Rashes & Cure

Hi moms! It’s been awhile since I posted in this section so I figured why not do it now (while Robyn is napping). I wanted to talk about something scary especially for new moms like myself- rashes!
We encountered severe bottom rashes during the first few weeks of her life, so you could just imagine the panic and frustration I felt during those days. It was so bad that Robyn developed Jacquets Dermatitis. At first, I relied on her previous pediatrician and he suggested some products for us to try. I did buy all of those products (mind you they were so expensive P400+ for a small bottle.) But nothing worked. 
So I decided to see a pedia-derma, a specialized dermatologist for babies. We were prescribed to use Bactroban 2x a day for her wounds and Rash Free every diaper change, and to wash her using only soap and Free and Clear (all over body wash). And also use With Bactroban, I saw that it improved her skin dramatically. The wounds slowly disappeared. And Rash Free was great on her as the rashes were gone.
Then a few were left, I think it was 2 wounds left and those were so stubborn. I researched once again. I found out about CJ’s Butter which is cloth diaper friendly. In one of the forums I’m a member of, they said that this product really helped their rashes problem.
So now, I am very happy to update you that Robyn has no more wounds! Yey! She gets occasional rashes but they’re pretty easy to treat. I only use CJ’s Butter and give it a day- it’s gone! πŸ™‚

As mentioned, I first used Rash Free and it was very effective too! It was really effective that after 1-2 usage, the rashes disappear. However, I don’t like that it’s so sticky making it prone to sticking to the cloth diapers. It may not be cd-ing friendly and since we use cloth diapers most of the time.
Our favorite is CJ’s Butter. First of all, it’s CD friendly. It has different scents and they smell really good! They’re pretty much like petroleum jelly in texture. Very effective! It takes a few times of usage before the rashes disappear, but it’s all good. Because ever since we started using this, Robyn only gets occasional rashes.

We have a big jar at home and we have a small one in our diaper bag for travel. I love this and will definitely repurchase and repurchase and repurchase! Although a jar lasts a long long time! We’ve had this jar for 6 months or so and we still have more than half!

I advice that you treat rashes right away once you see any. It’s also good to let the skin breathe a little. After bathing, I would usually let Robyn be diaper free for a couple of minutes before putting on her diaper. Changing diapers often is also advisable! I used to change her diaper every 2 hours whether or not she’s soaked. Now, I change her every 3 hours. I think it also helps that we use cloth diapers most of the time. It’s more breathable compared to disposable diapers. Lastly, try several products and see which rash cream works for you! I feel like every baby is different so you should check different brands and products. Although, I highly suggest for you to first try these 2 products I talked about. πŸ˜‰

Let me know if you have other suggestions and experiences with rashes. Good luck! πŸ™‚

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