Pre-Pregnancy & How We Found Out

Welcome to YELLOWMUM! It’s my new category sharing with you my journey as an expectant mum! πŸ™‚
I have been tracking my period for more than a year now and I’ve also been checked by my doctor. I was actually diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and was prescribed medication for it. And since we were trying to get pregnant, I started drinking folic acid.
A few days after my supposedly date of menstruation, I was already praying and hoping that this is it. We waited for about a week and then I took a pregnancy test. (No, I am not going to post a photo of my pregnancy test anymore.) Three minutes later, there was a faint second line or a faint positive. My hubby was so happy but I told him I wanted to check again. I wasn’t sure if it was indeed positive because the second line was extremely light. Good thing we bought 2 pregnancy kits. The second test also showed a second line and it was already darker. We were both so so happy and we hugged each other tight but I knew that we were both praying that this was real.
But since I wanted to make sure and I kinda felt that the kits that we bought weren’t the good ones. (I forgot the brands because I threw the boxes away after using), I bought another kit and took the test after 2 days. I read that sometimes when you test early the HcG levels aren’t at its peak yet. So I made sure to buy a “better looking” kit thinking that maybe this is a better quality kit. So anyways, I did my business first thing in the morning and yes, finally, second line showed! No more doubts, I was really pregnant!
I went to the doctor when I was around 6 weeks and she was delighted when we told her. I was prescribed some medications early this year to help me ovulate since apparently, I wasn’t ovulating or releasing an egg every month (which was really shocking to me since my period is regular and heavy even). I took that 5 days a month and after a cycle of three months, I stopped and two months later, I found out I was pregnant. She checked me and said that my cervix was closed meaning I was really pregnant. She asked me to continue my folic acid because it’s very important during the development of the baby. And that was it. She asked me to come back after a month for my follow up check up. πŸ™‚ I remember feeling “high” when I left the clinic. I was so happy. H was as happy as I was because he really really really wanted this too.
Anyways, we decided to keep it to ourselves first and we didn’t tell the family right away. I think we told them when I was already almost 7 weeks. I remember it was a few days before Father’s Day and H and I visited my family and I asked my dad if he already wanted to receive his Father’s Day gift. Obviously he said yes, and I told them I was pregnant. Everyone was stunned, jaws open, eyes wide. But  like my mum said, “wag usugin”. I was still very early in my pregnancy then.
As for my in laws, H told them when I was already in 8 weeks just in time because my sister in law who’s not based here was also in town. They were also happy and gave me a lot of tips for pregnancy.
During these times, I also had to do an emergency visit to my doctor because I encountered a no-no in pregnancy. But it’s a long emotional story and I think that’s for a different blog post. πŸ™‚
So yeah, the whole family is happy and very very excited to meet the little one. He/She will be the first grandchild in my family and the only baby in my in laws side. I wonder if the family will spoil the baby. Hmm… well we’ll get to that next time! Ciao! πŸ™‚